Scanner Chronicles
Mayfield Fire | Air Force One Visits Canberra | Fires in the night? | The S.R.A Law Enforcers | Fire in Carrington | Hazmat Live | Repeaters & CTCSS What Are They? | Signal Intelligence | Fire in Windale | BA Training | Herald Coverage | Newcastle Scan goes Shopping | Redhead Fires | Fire in Merewether | Newcastle Scan goes for a lap south | My local station 500 Windale | Town House Fire | NSWFB Collector Cards | Bar Beach RED RED RED | Storm | The Other Crews on the Fire Ground

The Pictures, The Sounds, The Story is the scanner chronicles.

People climbing books

Welcome to the sister site of Newcastle Scan...
Here you will go deeper into scanners, you will find pictures, stories and recordings of events, some special some not but all make up the scanner chronicles! if you have a recording and picture to go with send it to

What's New?

Started Construction on the Scanner Chronicle Site and removing the chronicles off Newcastle Scan 

For our newest page click below

Mayfield Fire

Now you can put a face to the names, we are the team of Newcastle Scan who write, edit and maintain the websites

Garry Luxton

Mike Pugh

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.