Ok so what to do when you're bored and need a change. grab your scanners,and go for a lap... we started and headed toward Mt sugarloaf... boy does that give a car radiator a work out.. and at the top we could not see a thing... newcastle had a dust storm and a major fire at cessonock... and so for a some time now garry has wanted to do a lap of sydney and had already programmed his scanner with all of the major GRN Freqs in his scanner all the way south to Sydney so i said ok lets go to Sydney, He thought i was teasing him but i wasnt, so we went back to his house to grab the essentials, more scanners, power, recorders and the most important Coke-a-Cola. The trip included a fuel stop at Belmont, down the pacific highway to the f3, back to the pacific highway at hornsby, down thru Homebush, thru to strathfield then the airport, back into to the city a lap around the cross and potts point past the navy bases thru the tunnel and then on to hornsby maccas for a well deserved meal break. back up the pacific highway and on to the f3, off the cessnock exit to check up on the progress of the fires at cessock and while back in cessnock we heard about a fire at wallsend so we headed back to that large fire. We got some great ids off the GRN that we never see in Newcastle and heard some interesting air band talk and the police.

Click here for a sample of our trip

So if you want to do something like this prepare. forget a handheld for anything but local transmissions., have external speakers, road and wind noise is a huge problem on a freeway at 110Kmh, have your planned listening programmed, The 780XLT is a great radio with the 5 svc preprogrammed searchs, air, police marine, uhfcb, and I've never known why rail.
a magnetic base mount is brillant for non permanent installs but you cant beat an external roof mounted antenna.