Its been a hot, hot, dry wind day, so my girlfriend Lisa, says, lets go for a drive, and I agree, after all a cruise round the beach is just what the doctor ordered, as usual we listen to the scanners, and hear the NSWFB are busy, then a call for a house fire at Edgeworth, the normal truck that would attend is busy so the NSWFB comms calls other stations, there's a message that a child is being treated by on scene paramedics, we keep driving until we Newcastle Rescue 260 code 7, so as we are in the city we decide its a good bet there will still be some action when we get there, as I confer with Garry by twoway to confirm address and let him know what we are up to, once at the scene there are quite a few emergency vehicles and local residents, in front of us was an ambulance with a child inside being treated for smoke inhalation and was then taken to the hospital, I set the camera up and got some photos of the situation and service's( I also see fellow scanner hobbyists taking photos. Hi Norm!) once I have a handful of photos I give some biz cards to a couple of the fireys (just to let them know I was there). Now where????

On the way to Edgeworth, we also hear that some trucks call code 2, and 255 & 222 are left on watch at fires at Redhead, so we decide to go to look for an photo opportunity, as we head down thru Jewels we see a bright glow, and follow the road around to find 222, 255 & 260 sprinter (having a meal break, Maccas J Garry will be jealous ) But the fire is great, wind is from the south west, so all we have in front of us is a clean open view of a bush fire, I get some photos (thinking thats the best ill get) and say hi to the guys and give them a biz card(there is only one Newcastlescan Garry & I), I ask if there is any better vantage spots and Im told maybe up the hill, so we go for a cruise and headed back to the first spot and the flames of the bush are getting closer to the road, we parked and set up the camera, (behind us, some other people came and watched the fire).
We didnt wait long, the shots kept coming and coming I filled up 2 & ½ memory cards,
The colour and texture of our vision was great, the guys from the trucks started up the pumps and started watering around the edge of the fire.After a while we had enough photos and we headed to home, quite content with a heap of great pics. 

Summers coming, better buy some more memory & batteries for the camera J